Member Spotlight Form

Member Spotlight

WisCorps members are the heart and soul of our organization! We do not exist without you. Help us tell your story! The Member Spotlight is a brief profile that we publish about a current WisCorps member. We will introduce our members to the rest of the community, highlight their accomplishments, and thank them for their service. We may use the information for a social media post, a blog post, a section of our newsletter, or even feature them on our WisCorps website. We hope to release a new profile every other week! This form is to be filled out by Individual Placement Members, Crew Leaders & Crew Members. Individual submissions only! Should you wish to participate, please fill out the following questions. We look forward to highlighting YOU! Please upload at least one photo of you serving in your current WisCorps position. Bonus points if you are in your issued uniform with an AmeriCorps logo! – WisCorps Staff

What is your preferred name?
We will use your FIRST name only.
This is for internal use only.
If you are crew leader or member, you do not need to fill this line out.
Please indicate the role title that’s included on your Wiscorps nametag. Otherwise, use Crew Leader or Crew Member.
What types of projects are you doing? Examples: habitat restoration, building bridges, environmental education, solar work, water treatment, invasive species removal. The more detailed you can be about what your responsibilities are within these categories, the better.
Describe your morning routine, the people you greet, where you stay, how you get to your placement or project site. Are there any other facts that might be interesting for people to know about? What stands out that’s specific to Wiscorps?
Our Marketing team will reach out with any questions or follow-up requests.
To help us understand your submission, please indicate your current relationship(s) with WisCorps
Why did you sign up to serve? Is there anything that stands out to you about your placement sites or projects that aligns with why you signed up to be an AmeriCorps Member?
If yes, what is it. Is this something Wiscorps staff should know about in advance? Please state how far along you are within the project and the anticipated wrap date of the project. We’d love to see photos AND videos of any works in progress, which can be submitted below.
Do you have anything important coming up that Wiscorps should know about? Does your Placement site have any events that you will be involved in?
Please let us know any important details about the photos you’re submitted.
Member Photo (actively serving):
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
Please upload one photo of you serving in your current WisCorps position, preferably in an outside environment. This should reinforce the work you typically do in your role. **Photos should include you wearing the new Wiscorps Uniforms
Placement Photo (represents the project):
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
We want to tell your story – so show us your world. Upload as many images and videos as needed to allow viewers to be apart of your experience. We want to see the world through your eyes. Examples: Project Headquarters, Before and after images of projects, partners, active projects, etc…
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.