Crew Rules
In order to maintain consistency in the program and make your service easier, we have developed the following rules and policies. These policies have been established to ensure that crews are safe and respectful and that they are run as efficiently as possible. Below is a list of WisCorps rules and the “whys” behind them. All WisCorps participants and staff are to conduct themselves in a professional manner.
Immediate Dismissal Policies
Possession or Use of Tobacco
There will be no use or possession of tobacco at any time while serving on a WisCorps crew, while on a WisCorps project site, or while part of any WisCorps activity. WisCorps members who possess or use tobacco will be immediately dismissed.
WisCorps strives to create a safe and healthy community. In addition, it is not legal for anyone under 18 years old to use tobacco. To use tobacco, people typically need to pull themselves away from the community on a regular basis, which fails to promote a strong community.
Possession or Use of Alcohol or Drugs
There will be no use or possession of alcohol or drugs at any time while serving on a WisCorps crew, while on a WisCorps project site, or while part of any WisCorps activity. WisCorps members who possess or use drugs or alcohol will be immediately dismissed.
Use of alcohol and drugs are typically not allowed at any job and are illegal for most youth that WisCorps employs (under 21). Even crews that have members that are above the legal age limit typically have at least one who is under age. WisCorps chooses to operate its crews in a drug and alcohol free setting.
Possession or Use of a Weapon
There will be no use or possession of any weapon at any time while serving on a WisCorps crew, while on a WisCorps project site, or while part of any WisCorps activity. WisCorps members who possess or use a weapon will be immediately dismissed.
Weapons of any kind (knives larger than 4 inches, switchblades, guns) are unnecessary on a WisCorps crew. The safety and well-being of all WisCorps employees is imperative.
Physical Intimacy
There will be no physical intimacy between WisCorps members serving on a crew. WisCorps members who become involved in a physically intimate relationship with another crew member, crew leader, or staff will be immediately dismissed.
Member who disclose intimate relationships (prior to their arrival) will be stationed on separate WisCorps Crews.
WisCorps wishes to create communities where all members become friends. Physical relationships amongst the crew are counterproductive to creating a strong community. For this reason and additional reasons of liability for youth organizations, WisCorps chooses not to permit physical relationships while serving on a WisCorps crew.
Physical Fighting
There will be no physical fighting or threats of physical violence while serving on a crew or while part of any WisCorps activity. If a WisCorps member has a conflict with another member of the crew, they are expected to discuss the matter with the Crew Leader. Resolution of the conflict will be done in a professional and respectful manner. WisCorps members who participate in a physical fight will be immediately dismissed.
The safety and well-being of all is WisCorps’ number one priority. Fighting or threats of violence do not contribute to a healthy and safe community.
There will be no stealing while serving on a WisCorps crew or while part of any WisCorps activity. It is crucial for WisCorps members to be able to trust each other when living and working closely together. WisCorps members who steal will be immediately dismissed.
Stealing from another person is one of the quickest ways to lose someone’s trust and one’s trust in the whole community. To not be able to trust one’s fellow crew members would create an unworkable environment. Because WisCorps is invested in creating communities in which trust is paramount, stealing is strictly prohibited.
Sexual Harassment
There will be no sexual harassment while serving on a WisCorps crew or while part of any WisCorps activity. Harassment includes threatening or insinuating that the refusal to submit to sexual advances will adversely affect admission or program benefits. Harassment may also include conduct such as unwanted sexual flirtation or touches; abusive or degrading language; graphic or suggestive comments; or displaying inappropriate objects or pictures. Any member/employee who believes that they have been subject to harassment of any kind, or who has knowledge about harassment of others, should report the harassment to an immediate supervisor, superior, and/or director. Any member/employee who is found to have engaged in harassment will be immediately dismissed.
General Crew Policies
In addition to the actions that result in immediate dismissal, all WisCorps crews operate under General Crew Policies. General Crew Policies are designed to establish clear expectations and create efficient and professional crews that are capable of offering a rich conservation and education experience to its members.
Crew Members are given two opportunities to correct actions that are not consistent with the General Crew Policies. The third infraction may result in the Crew Member’s dismissal.
Arrive on Time
Everyone must be on time for the start of the service day, crew activities, trainings and meals. Being late is disrespectful. Each time a Crew Member is late for the start of a scheduled meeting or other activity, it is grounds for disciplinary action. One way to be sure of arriving on time is to get into the habit of arriving 10 minutes early.
Being late is disrespectful and wastes others’ time. In essence, one is sending a message to their crew that they do not matter or are less important than they are. One individual consistently being late can create a situation where the whole team has to work longer or harder, or misses out on an activity because of that one person.
Bring All Safety Gear
It is critical that everyone bring their safety gear to work each day. Any WisCorps Crew Member who forgets their safety gear may be subject to disciplinary action. To ensure the safety of each member and their crew overall, WisCorps expects that members wear their safety gear, eat healthy meals, and drink plenty of water. Working in a dehydrated condition is dangerous for the individual and may be for others.
Below is the list of safety gear that must be brought to the work site each day. Keep this list of items in your pack and check the list each morning.
Leather Work Boots
Hard Hat
Safety Glasses + Ear Protection
Long Pants
Lunch and Drinking Water
Use Appropriate Language
WisCorps Crew Members who swear, use offensive language, or make sexist, homophobic, racist, or harassing remarks will be subject to immediate disciplinary action or potential dismissal (see Sexual Harassment).
Using words that offend another person (whether those words are profanities or simply words used in a way that hurts another) is in direct opposition to creating a respectful community. All WisCorps Crew Members and staff are to conduct themselves in a professional manner and should remember that they are representing WisCorps as an organization when out in the field.
Keep a Positive Attitude
WisCorps Crew Members who display a negative attitude towards the work project, crew, or an activity may be subject to disciplinary action. We know that everyone has bad days. We also know that sometimes you cannot control the way you feel. However, we believe that you can control the actions you take, including those that manifest themselves in a bad attitude.
Choosing a negative attitude in times of trouble can bring the other members of your crew down. It makes an already difficult situation unbearable for you and your crew, and does not help your crew find solutions that are needed. Having a positive attitude and being solution-minded through tough times can sometimes mean the difference between success and failure for crews and individuals. Having a bad attitude is one of the most destructive things a member can bring to their community.
Participate in Activities
WisCorps crew members will be involved in many different educational and recreational activities. It is important that all WisCorps members take part in these activities and remain a contributing member of the team. Members who refuse to participate in a crew activity will be subject to disciplinary action.
WisCorps is an experience, not just a job. To take full advantage of that experience, Corps Members must participate on all aspects of the experience. It is by pushing oneself beyond where we are comfortable that one truly grows. In addition, each member of the crew brings something different to the dynamic of the community.
Avoid Exclusive Relationships
Friendships are encouraged; however, exclusive relationships isolate members from the rest of the group and prevent the crew from building a strong and healthy community.
WisCorps wishes to create communities where all members become friends and no one feels left out, or unwanted. Cliques and exclusive relationships are counterproductive in an atmosphere geared towards building a community with all members of the group.
Follow Crew-Specific Policies
WisCorps staff and leaders will design crew arrangements (including chore charts) to meet crew-specific needs to keep the crew organized and running smoothly. For example, a leader might create a clearning rule to pick up personal items from around the camp and keep the common lodging areas clean. WisCorps crew members who do not follow these crew-specific policies will be subject to disciplinary action.
Each individual crew will have different needs and dynamics. It is thus important that specific, agreed-upon guidelines be set to create working, respectful communities.
Use Tools and Equipment Properly
Using tools or equipment incorrectly or for the wrong purpose is dangerous and can damage the tool or cause an injury. Use the right tool for the job! WisCorps members who blatantly and dangerously misuse tools and equipment will be subject to disciplinary action.
Commit To Service – Work Hard & To Your Full Potential
WisCorps crew members will receive training to complete the essential tasks of their service. After receiving appropriate training WisCorps members will be subject to disciplinary action for repeatedly poor service performance due to negligence, carelessness, or a general negative attitude. WisCorps is invested in completing high-priority and quality projects.
Be a Consistent Member of the Team
If a WisCorps crew member needs to miss service, they must receive permission from WisCorps staff supervisors and demonstrate in advance in writing the reason for the absence by providing a doctor’s note, court summons, or other appropriate documentation. WisCorps members have a commitment to complete their term of service.