Disciplinary Process

Disciplinary Steps

First Write-Up:  The first time a WisCorps crew member shows a pattern of not meeting the expectations listed in the General Crew Rules & Policies, they will receive an informal verbal warning from WisCorps staff supervisors or the Crew Leader. If the member continues to not meet expectations a formal written warning, which will be included in the Corps Member’s Discipline Record.  WisCorps staff will issue the written warning and then meet with the member to explain why they have received the warning. 

Second Write-Up:  If a pattern of not meeting General Crew Rules & Policies continues or a new pattern begins to emerge, a WisCorps member will receive a second write-up. In the second write-up, members will receive a second written warning that includes a written Corrective Action Plan signed by both the member and WisCorps staff supervisors regarding necessary changes in behavior or performance that must be made to keep their position with the WisCorps crew. 

Third Write-Up:  If the WisCorps crew member again does not meet the expectations listed in the General Crew Rules & Policies or in the member’s written Corrective Action Plan, the incident or behavior will be documented in the member’s Discipline Record and they will be dismissed.

Dismissal: After a dismissal, it is the responsibility of the former crew member to make arrangements to leave the crew immediately, at their own expense.