Drivers are not allowed to use cell phones while the vehicle is on and is on the road
Drivers cannot use cell phones while idling in traffic or at a stop light
Drivers should not use dials or buttons on the console while driving; controls for heating and cooling, sound, navigation, or other things should be managed by the person in the passenger seat
Only participants that have passed Driver Training are allowed to drive WCC vehicles; this will be Crew Leaders the majority of the time, but a Crew Member may be put through Driver Training in rare scenarios
Vehicles should not exceed 70 miles per hour while towing a trailer on the interstate
Vehicles should stay at or under the speed limit at all times; vehicles should only exceed the speed limit to pass other vehicles on multiple lane highways
Crews should avoid driving after sunset; driving after sunset is only allowed in an emergency scenario or during late fall (when it may be necessary in order to get home from the service site)
Crew Leaders should plan ahead so that the crew is back at their camp or housing before sunset when doing errands or activities after the service day or during the weekend; crews are not allowed to drive away from their camp or housing after the sunset, except in the case of emergency
Crew Leaders are never allowed to drive a vehicle alone; there must always be at least one other person (co-pilot) in the vehicle when driving; the co-pilot can be a Crew Leader or Crew Member
The entire crew should be in the crew vehicle the great majority of the time that the vehicle is being used; only in rare scenarios (or instances where there are multiple vehicles on site) should a portion of the crew leave any location without the entire crew being in the vehicle
Crew vehicles are not to be used for personal errands, exclusive outings, or optional weekend activities; if the crew vehicle is in motion, the entire crew should be in the vehicle (the great majority of the time)
50-Mile Rule
Crews may plan non-project day activities or trips for educational benefit or simply to have fun (as long as the crew is not driving after sunset)
Day trips that are over 50 miles away from crew camp or housing need to be approved by WCC staff; the crew needs to return to their camp or housing before sunset
Overnight trips (during non-project time) of any length need to be approved by WCC staff; for example, a crew decides to get a campsite at a popular state park for a Saturday night that is 30 miles away from their project housing
Personal Vehicles
Personal vehicles are generally not allowed at crew camp or housing sites
In the following rare circumstances, WCC staff may approve or direct a Crew Leader or Crew Member to have their personal vehicle at crew lodging:
A family emergency, a military requirement, a planned absence from the crew that was approved before the season began, or other similar instances
Disciplinary action will occur if personal vehicles are brought to crew camp or housing without the approval of WCC staff